Alan Gershenfeld

Alan Gershenfeld


E-Line Media

Alan is President and Co-Founder of E-Line Media, a publisher of digital entertainment that engages, educates and empowers. E-Line has worked on impact game projects with the Gates Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, NSF, USAID, DARPA, White House OSTP, California Endowment, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Games for Change, Google, Sesame Workshop, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms and the ASU Center for Games and Impact.

Prior to E-Line, Alan was CEO and Co-Founder of netomat, a leader in mobile-web community solutions.  Before netomat, Alan was a member of the executive management team that rebuilt Activision from bankruptcy into an industry leader. At Activision, Alan served as SVP of Activision Studios where he supervised all product development at the company's LA studios.  Before Activision, Alan worked in the film industry.

Alan is also Founding Industry Fellow at the Center for Games and Impact and former Chairman of the Board of Games for Change.