Ed Fries

Ed Fries

Vice President of Games Publishing


Ed Fries oversees a team of more than 700 programmers, designers, artists and producers, developing a broad range of multiplatform titles for Microsoft. Since taking over the reins of the Microsoft Games Division in 1995, Fries has signed a large number of high-profile games developers to work with Microsoft, Digital Anvil, Ensemble Studios , Gas Powered Games, Alex Garden (Relic Entertainment) and, most recently, Big Huge Entertainment . Together with creating a strong in-house development team, Fries has turned Microsoft into a leading force in the games industry.

With the Microsoft® Xbox™ video game system, Fries brings his formula of investing "patient capital" to attracting the industry's best game developers to the console business. He will provide them with the time and resources necessary to make intense, action-packed experiences for gamers. When he is not working and/or playing video games, Fries enjoys rock climbing and spending time with his wife.

Fries contributed to the "The Future of Games Delivery" panel.